ItSeemstoMe was my first blog and it has always been my most personal. But it is once again time for me to leave it for a while. I'm just too busy to maintain three blogs and this is the one that is easiest for me to set aside for a while.
There are somethings I've done here, which I will just abandon. I will not be taking my monthly countdown of how many months the world must endure with George Bush at America's helm, but the subject of Bush has so very little about it that is amusing anyhow.
But a great many of my observations and experiences, particularly where technology and humanity intersect will be carried over to Naked Conversations, which will be continue as my main blog, with an expanded perspective. If I have something more to say about American companies collaborating with the Chinese government, for example, I will say it on Naked Conversations.
I hope you will join me over there.
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